{{-- - This code needs to be refactored to reduce the amount of PHP in the Blade template as much as possible. - Need to check the view composer capability for the component. --}} @php $menu = \Webkul\Core\Tree::create(); foreach (config('menu.customer') as $item) { $menu->add($item, 'menu'); } $menu->items = core()->sortItems($menu->items); $customer = auth()->guard('customer')->user(); @endphp
{{-- Account Profile Hero Section --}}
Profile Image

Hello! {{ $customer->first_name }}

{{ $customer->email }}

{{-- Account Navigation Menus --}} @foreach ($menu->items as $menuItem)
{{-- Account Navigation Toggler --}}


{{-- Account Navigation Content --}}
@if (! (bool) core()->getConfigData('general.content.shop.wishlist_option')) @php unset($menuItem['children']['wishlist']); @endphp @endif @foreach ($menuItem['children'] as $subMenuItem)


@pushOnce('scripts') @endpushOnce