@lang('admin::app.settings.themes.edit.title') @php $channels = core()->getAllChannels(); $currentChannel = core()->getRequestedChannel(); $currentLocale = core()->getRequestedLocale(); @endphp


{{-- Channel and Locale Switcher --}}
{{-- Locale Switcher --}} {{-- Dropdown Toggler --}} {{-- Dropdown Content --}} @foreach ($currentChannel->locales as $locale) {{ $locale->name }} @endforeach
@pushOnce('scripts') {{-- Customizer Parent Template--}} {{-- Slider Template --}} {{-- Product Template --}} {{-- Category Template --}} {{-- Static Template --}} {{-- Html Editor Template --}} {{-- Css Editor Template --}} {{-- Static Content Previewer --}} {{-- Footer Template --}} {{-- Parent Theme Customizer Component --}} {{-- Slider Theme Component --}} {{-- Product Theme Component --}} {{-- Category Theme Component --}} {{-- Static Theme component --}} {{-- Html Editor Component --}} {{-- Css Editor Component --}} {{-- Static Content Previewer --}} {{-- Footer component --}} {{-- Code mirror script CDN --}} {{-- Html mixed and xml cnd both are dependent Used for html and css theme --}} {{-- Beatutify html and css --}} @endPushOnce @pushOnce('styles') {{-- Code mirror style cdn --}} @endPushOnce